Almost any issue we are facing in our everyday life has an underlying ‘unconscious’ layer to it, usually linked to an unintegrated trauma, a misleading program or belief system. During the therapy session we are tapping into those underlying beliefs and unhealed traumas which work as blockages in our system.
They are usually responsible for various symptoms such as depression, anxiety, stress, dysfunctional relationships, feeling stuck or unfulfilled, health and physical symptoms such as various pains, sleep issues, eating disorders to name a few.
We identify those subconscious patters by shedding light on them through the power of our presence and our conscious mind. By being a witness to our own stories we peel away layers of our conditioned mental limitations and old systems of interpretation, old patterns, misguided beliefs and stuck emotions we hold within our body. This is an important step towards healing, self-awareness and more clarity in our life.