Hello I AM

Lucie Aviola



Insight Therapy

Almost any issue we are facing in our everyday life has an underlying ‘unconscious’ layer to it, usually linked to an unintegrated trauma, a misleading program or belief system. During the therapy session we are tapping into those underlying beliefs and unhealed traumas which work as blockages in our system. They are usually responsible for various symptoms such as depression, anxiety, stress, dysfunctional relationships, feeling stuck or unfulfilled, health and physical symptoms such as various pains, sleep issues, eating disorders to name a few. We identify those subconscious patters by shedding light on them through the power of our presence and our conscious mind. By being a witness to our own stories we peel away layers of our conditioned mental limitations and old systems of interpretation, old patterns, misguided beliefs and stuck emotions we hold within our body. This is an important step towards healing, self-awareness and more clarity in our life.

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Somatic Trauma Release

Certain blocks and programs are deep seated in our energetic filed that it is not until we remove them from our physical body, where they are stored on a cellular level, that we feel we actually integrated these and can claim that energy back to our system. Through various gentle unique techniques, we can release those blocks from our physical bodies. And since we create most of our reality and state of being from our subconscious mind, any change we make will soon reflect changes in the way we feel and generally in our outer reality. This method therefore also supports cultivating greater resilience for confronting challenging situations and concealed emotions. This method can be helpful with trauma and PTSD, fears, anxiety, chronic pain, dissociative symptoms, self-sabotage, anger, overwhelm, addictions, unhealthy or dysfunctional belief systems, programs and patterns.

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Hypnosis / Regression

Hypnotic state is a state we are naturally experiencing just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. It is a state of deep remembrance, through which we can access parts of consciousness otherwise not accessible might it be our early childhood, our birth, our prenatal period as well as our previous/parallel incarnations.
This powerful experience helps us to understand and work through the possible root origins of trauma in this life as well as in past lives; it is also an opportunity to more fully connect with higher aspects of yourself, or your soul, that can allow for profound and transformative healing.
Regression is a truly magical, immersive, and unique experience.

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Theta waves breath therapy

Theta waves breathwork is a powerful inner journey which supports clearing old energy patterns, conditionings, negative thoughts and stuck emotions.
Breathwork techniques emerged in the 60′s to support people in addressing core issues held in the subconscious while also expanding consciousness in order to heal our false sense of separation. This gentle yet powerful method supports releasing stress and tension, healing and resolving trauma, gaining deeper insights into current life issues, and accessing our own internal healing energy, creativity, and wisdom.
Breath-work helps to activate the subconscious mind therefore bringing awareness and insights otherwise not easily accessed. Breath opens the energy channels in the body and allows what we have been holding onto to surface and be released. This may be suppressed unfelt emotions, energy blocks in the body, old beliefs systems and identifications, old suppressed memories, fight/flight/freeze patterns and other.

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Inner Dance

Inner Dance is not ‘dance’ as we typically know it. It is a unique sound & sensory inner journey into an expanded state of consciousness, heightened perceptions, deeper states of awareness and the awakening our innate power to heal from within.
During our sleep our brain goes through various brain waves through which we experience and access different states of consciousness, which we are not aware of during our ‘awake time’. Inner dance enables us to access those brain waves through sound frequencies while we are still in an aware state of mind.
During this fascinating journey a person begins by accessing an inner source that when it builds up, creates tremendous energetic movement within the physical, emotional body and mental body. As we surrender to deeper trust we start to enter expanded states of consciousness. This experience can be visual, physical, emotional or energetic, people go through powerful release, cathartic or blissful life reviews, downloads of insights and messages, sense of clarity, healing etc. Each Inner Dance journey is a unique experience revealing whatever we are ready to look at in the ‘now’.
Inner Dance facilitator assists in co-creating a sensory environment of multi-layered sound experience of music, shamanic musical instruments and voice, intuitive touch and energy work. The energetic blueprint and transmission of each 'space holder' as well as energy of each participant contributes to the unique space created during each session. Group sessions therefore have the capacity to activate frequencies within the collective that can profoundly shift reality and consciousness.

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About me

I was born and grew up in Prague, Czech Republic, later did my university degrees in Germany and the UK. Since my teenage years I have always been interested in psychology, the human mind and psyche and generally in our consciousness. I completed my Master’s Degree in Psychology and as well as a 5 year psychotherapy training, but I didn’t find all the answers I was searching for. I have been exploring various techniques and modalities since, constantly enriching my knowledge and experience with new learnings and perspectives eventually reaching a point where I feel I can accommodate various needs and issues through a range of personalized techniques. I only use techniques which I have deep personal experience with and through which a have accessed powerful breakthroughs.

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getting help

Let’s chat if you

  • 1.


  • 2.

    subconscious mind

  • 3.

    Removing trauma
    a belief systems on
    a cellular level

  • 4.

    Balancing the
    Nervous System

  • 5.

    Improving overall
    health & wellbeing

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